Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tomorrow I take my first real tour of the Oregon State Penitentiary. I don't have any set expectations-- it's been hard for me these last eight weeks to grasp what I'm going through, what I'm experiencing. It hasn't yet registered. It hasn't sunk in yet.

I want it to sink it. I want to be able to analyze these experiences and make sense out of them. I want to be able to take what I've learned and find commonalities within the information I'm learning. This has yet to be successful. I don't even know where to start.

Our group of six students are going to see the real, true population of OSP. It is a maximum security prison for a reason. There are bad people there. There are people who need to be locked up for life in there. I've heard of students getting harassed when they're on the tour. We are told to dress ugly and not try to stand out. One guy dropped his pants during an earlier tour with the other half of our class. It's hard to pinpoint expectations when people suddenly drop their pants.

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